7 Strategies to Grow Your YouTube Channel 10x: Detailed Guide

7 Strategies to Grow Your YouTube Channel 10x: Detailed Guide

Table of Contents

Strategy 1: Give Up Other Social Media
Strategy 2: Stop Being Too Frugal
Strategy 3: Let Go of Unhelpful Pride
Strategy 4: Stop Limiting Your Options
Strategy 5: Stop Compromising on Quality
Strategy 6: Stop Taking Long Breaks from Posting
Strategy 7: Stop Settling for "Good Enough"
Conclusion: Bringing It All Together


Hello, everyone! Today, we're going to talk about something really exciting: how to make your YouTube channel grow big and fast. I'm going to share with you seven things that I stopped doing, and guess what? My channel grew ten times bigger! That's right, ten times!

Now, some of these things might be a bit hard to hear. You might think, "Oh no, I don't want to do that!" But trust me, it worked for me, and it might work for you too. Even if you already have your own way of doing things, you might find some new ideas here.

So, let's dive in and look at these seven strategies that can help your YouTube channel grow like crazy!

Strategy 1: Give Up Other Social Media

The Problem with Multiple Platforms

You know, I used to love spending time on different social media platforms. I would spend hours every day on YouTube, Twitter (now called X), and reading news online. It was fun, but it was also taking up a lot of my time.

Focusing on YouTube

One day, I decided to try something different. I thought, "What if I just focus on YouTube?" So, that's what I did. I stopped using other social media and put all my energy into YouTube. And you know what? It made a big difference!

Time Management

By not spending time on other platforms, I suddenly had an extra hour or more each day. That might not sound like much, but when you're trying to grow a YouTube channel, every minute counts. I used all that extra time to work on my YouTube videos, and it really helped.

A New Way of Watching YouTube

But I didn't just stop there. I also changed the way I watched YouTube videos. Here's what I did:

  1. Always Check the View Count: Every time I watched a video, no matter what it was about, I would look at how many views it had.

  1. Analyze Popular Videos: If I found a video that many people were watching (we call these "viral" videos), I would try to figure out why it was so popular. Was it the title? The thumbnail? The content? I would think about all these things.

  1. Learn from Less Popular Videos: I also paid attention to videos that had few views. I would ask myself, "Why isn't this video getting more attention?" This helped me understand what not to do in my videos.

The Benefits of This Approach

By doing this, I started to understand YouTube better. I could see patterns in what worked and what didn't. It was like I was learning the "language" of YouTube. And the best part? I could use all of this knowledge to make my own videos better.

Practical Tips for Focusing on YouTube

If you want to try this strategy, here are some things you can do:

  1. Set a Social Media Schedule: Instead of quitting other platforms cold turkey, try limiting your time on them. Maybe check them only once a day for 15 minutes.

  1. Use YouTube Analytics: YouTube has great tools to help you understand your own videos. Start looking at your view counts, watch time, and other stats regularly.

  1. Keep a YouTube Journal: Write down what you notice about successful videos. What do they have in common? This can help you spot trends over time.

  1. Challenge Yourself: Try going a whole week without using any social media except YouTube. See how it affects your channel and your creative process.

Overcoming Challenges

Now, I know what you might be thinking. "But I need other social media to promote my YouTube channel!" That's a common worry. Here's how you can deal with it:

  1. Use YouTube's Community Tab: If you have over 1000 subscribers, you can use this feature to connect with your audience directly on YouTube.

  1. Collaborate with Other YouTubers: This can help you reach new audiences without needing other platforms.

  1. Focus on YouTube SEO: By using good titles, descriptions, and tags, you can help people find your videos through YouTube searches.

The Long-Term Impact

By focusing all my energy on YouTube, I started to see big changes. My videos got better, I understood my audience more, and yes, my channel started to grow faster. It wasn't an overnight change, but over time, the difference was huge.

Remember, this doesn't mean you can never use other social media again. It's about making YouTube your priority and really diving deep into understanding how it works.

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